Zack Mroz

Title: Residence Life Coordinator for Sojourner Truth and University Center
Office Location: College Avenue Residence Life Office, Clothier Hall, College Avenue Campus
Phone Number: N/A

Undergraduate College/University Major(s)/Minor(s) Completed: B.B.A Marketing and Human Resource Management, Grand Valley State University
Advanced Degrees: M.S. Student Affairs in Higher Education, Miami University

Why did you choose to work at Rutgers Residence Life?
“As a student, entering college and being involved in my residential community, I felt such a strong sense of belonging. As a student affairs professional, I hope to cultivate similar communities where students can thrive. I chose to work at Rutgers Residence Life to join a team that focuses on the holistic development and support of students. As a Residence Life Coordinator, I am committed to diversity and inclusion, academic success, and student’s transition to adulthood. .”