Title: Assistant Residence Life Coordinator for Perry, Voorhees, Nicholas and Lippincott Office

Location: Cook/Douglass Residence Life Office (PAL Building)

Phone Number: (848) 932-9363

Email: jac816@echo.rutgers.edu

Undergraduate College/University Major(s)/Minor(s) Completed: B.S. Nutritional Sciences (Dietetics), Double Minors in Biological Sciences and Spanish; Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

Why did you choose to work at Rutgers Residence Life?

As a graduate of Rutgers University—New Brunswick, I believe that a positive residential experience is crucial to the success of students both academically and socially. It is extremely rewarding for me to give back the amazing opportunities to students that were afforded to me through my residential experience. I work in Residence Life because I love Rutgers and the numerous wonderful opportunities that this department provides to students. Ultimately, it is my goal to make Rutgers one of the most welcoming and inclusive campuses in the nation to live-on — a place where everyone can call home!