Samantha Contrini

Residence Life Coordinator- Nicholas, Lippincott, Perry and Voorhees Halls

Okia Dixon

Assistant Residence Life Coordinator for Katzenbach and New Gibbons

Samantha Hernandez

Assistant Residence Life Coordinator for Newell and Starkey Apartments

Laura Esteban

Assistant Residence Life Coordinator for Busch Suites

Julian Carter

Assistant Residence Life Coordinator for Perry, Voorhees, Nicholas and Lippincott

Gina Duker

Assistant Residence Life Coordinator for Johnson, Richardson, Nichols

Conor Wall

Assistant Residence Life Coordinator for Sojourner Truth and University Center

Raquia Belle-Durant

Assistant Residence Life Coordinator for Clothier, Wessels, Leupp, Hegeman, Pell, Demarest

Adam Fogarty

Assistant Residence Life Coordinator for Frelinghuysen, Hardenbergh, Campbell

Victoria Valentin

Assistant Residence Life Coordinator for the Livingston Apartments

Miranda Wheeler

Assistant Residence Life Coordinator for Woodbury-Bunting Cobb, Jameson, Henderson Apartments

Angel Cordero-Gonzalez

Residential Care Coordinator for Case Management

Mudia Ogbevire

Assistant Residence Life Coordinator for Buell, Marvin, and Silvers Apartments

Emily Green

Residence Life Coordinator for Clothier, Wessels, Leupp, Hegeman, Pell, and Demarest

Kate Chao M.A., CDP

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator

Gabriella Vasquez

Coordinator for Student Leadership