Title: Graduate Intern for Staff Recruitment and Selection
Office Location: Residence Life Central Administration, Davidson Hall, Busch Campus
Phone Number: 848-932-4371
Email: zdr4@echo.rutgers.edu

Undergraduate College/University Major(s)/Minor(s) Completed: B.A. Social Work, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Why did you choose to work at Rutgers Residence Life?
“The Resident Assistant experience is a unique one. In this role, students are given the opportunity to serve as leaders on campus and engage in personal and professional development. After serving as a Resident Assistant for two years, I decided to continue my involvement in Residence Life to promote positive change and progression in the department. Using my experience as a RA, my goal is to ensure students are provided the necessary information and experience to succeed in their roles as inclusive leaders on the Rutgers campus and beyond.”